Having a child is the most joyous thing for a parent. Being able to watch them grow and nourish them is a beautiful feeling. However, when it comes to baby care, most people face the same dilemma, that how would they nurture their child properly. Well, this blog discusses different approaches to care for your newborn. We will discuss various newborn baby care tips and how you can maintain a routine that helps you become a better parent.

Most mothers, when discharged from the hospital, are very nervous and don’t know how to take care of a newborn child. This is why we have listed 6 baby care tips so that you can regain your confidence and become the caring mother you always wished to be.

Get Help From An Elder Or A Nurse:

A newborn baby is delicate and therefore requires constant care, and who better to help you learn how to care for your child than your mother. Here are some newborn baby care tips:

  • You should seek help from your mother or any other elders from your family. You can also request for a nurse from the hospital your child was delivered. Having a supporting hand makes your work much easier and gives you the confidence to care for your child.
  • An infant requires timely breastfeeding and you need to learn how to handle your child so that you can feed him/her properly.
  • Ask the nurse to teach you how to feed the child. Nurses also show you how to hold your child, make them burp after feeding, bathing them and so much more.

Handling An Infant:

You haven’t spent much time with your child yet, so it is very important to maintain certain habits right from the beginning. Keep these baby care tips in mind and try to follow them until your child is around 2 years of age.

  • Wash your hands every time before you touch your child. Most of the infants suffer from infections due to poor baby skincare. Make this a habit.
  • Support your child’s head and neck every time you pick him/her up.
  • Never shake your child if you wish to wake him up as it can cause internal bleeding. Tickling on feet or kissing on the cheek would make it much easier.
  • Always remember that your child is just days old. You should never play roughly with him/her. Do not juggle with them or throw them in the air.


It is a soothing technique every first-time parent should learn. It is the best caring tip for newborns. Not only does it keep the child warm, but it also makes him feel secure and comfortable. It is the best baby skincare method for infants.

Following are the newborn baby care tips to swaddle a newborn:

  • Spread out a thin blanket or a sheet and lay your baby, face up.
  • Wrap the sheet around the child keeping a loose end towards the legs. Leave the neck and head exposed
  • Do not wrap the sheet too tight. Make sure you can slip your hand over the baby’s chest.

Swaddling not only keep the child tucked in properly but also helps prevent startle reflex which might wake them up.

All About Diapers:

Most parents fear that they would not be able to change their child’s diaper. As a first-time parent, everyone is quite nervous regarding their child’s hygiene. Your child will dirty the diaper almost 10 times a day. So, you need to be prepared for changing it every time. 

Here is an easy guide on how to change a diaper and some baby care tips:

  • Every time the baby dirties the diaper, lay him/her on his back and remove the diaper
  • Use wipes or wet cotton balls to clean your child. Wipe him again to keep the skin dry.
  • To prevent rashes, use oil or diaper ointments.
  • Pull out a fresh diaper and tighten it comfortably. 

Change diapers after every bowel movement to prevent infections. Let the child go without a diaper for half an hour every day. This allows the skin to develop properly and not have any rashes.

Basic Bathing Tips For Your Child:

Bathing your child twice or thrice a week is considered ideal for the first year. Doctors mostly advise for sponge baths for the first six months as it prevents the upsetting of the child. Here, take a look at the correct way to give your baby a sponge bath:

  • For a sponge bath, select a safe surface such as a bathroom floor or a changing table. Make sure the room is warm before you bring your newborn inside.
  • Undress your child and lay him/her down on a towel or cotton cloth.
  • Start with the face and carefully wipe the face with a warm cotton ball. Take care of the eyes and nose and pat them dry.
  • Next, using baby shampoo, create lather and gently rub it on the baby’s head. Make sure you don’t create too much lather as it can scare the baby.
  • Then, take a lukewarm cotton ball and wipe out hands, belly, and legs. For the genital area, pour some water and then wipe it with a clean cloth or a napkin.
  • Once the washing is done, wrap the baby in a soft towel. Put up the diaper again and you are all done. You can also use baby skin care products if you wish

Sleeping Basics:

You might be surprised to know that the baby who needs you every now and again sleeps for around 16 hours a day. Newborns typically sleep for 2-4 hours in one go. Their digestive system is so small that they need to be fed every few hours. This is why the doctor advises to wake them up every few hours for breastfeeding.

Just like adults, infants also need to set their sleeping schedule. Until they are gaining weight, there is no need to worry if your child isn’t sleeping at night. You can help your child with a sleeping schedule. Gradually, start keeping him awake during the day for a few hours by playing or talking with him. During the night, keep the light as dim as possible and try to keep the room silent.

Even though you feel anxious regarding how you would handle your child and care for him, within a few weeks, you will gradually start to feel comfortable too. As time passes, you would feel relieved because it becomes easier day by day. If you have any doubts or concerns, freely discuss them with your doctor. Even the silliest doubts should be cleared out. This will make you feel confident and help you become a better parent. Happy parenting!
