During the meal, food particles stick to the surface of the teeth, interlock with each other, and fall into the pockets of the gums. Microbial colonies that live in the nutrients of the oral cavity process, releasing the substance that forms the plaque.

The first reason why yellow plaque appears on the teeth near the gums is a failure to follow oral hygiene. If the elementary rules are ignored, the soft deposits accumulate and soon cover the teeth completely, except for the chewing surface. But you have to brush your teeth properly, efficiently, treating not only the outside areas but also the hard to reach places.

The habit of chewing food on one side of the mouth becomes a frequent cause of yellow plaque on the teeth. Teeth that are not used in the chewing process lose their ability to clean themselves, with consequent plaque build-up on them.

Causes of yellow plaque on the teeth:

In some cases, the plaque appears to be a kind of yellowish mass. In those places where it has been around for a long time, the enamel turns yellow or brown. Over time, the plaque turns into tartar, in most cases imperceptible externally.

Many have a yellowish shade of natural enamel, it may not be a pure yellow color by nature.

This is a normal situation, moreover, this enamel is considered the strongest, and it contains many minerals that guarantee its duration. In this case, do not whiten the teeth, so as not to damage it.

The reasons for the formation of yellow plague are as follows:

  • Smoke: It leads to the appearance of a yellow-brown plaque on the teeth, a specific odor. Cigarettes are an important factor that negatively affects the health of an adult’s teeth.
  • Excessive consumption of strong tea, coffee, drinks with dyes (wine, sparkling water, juices). If it is not possible to refuse these products, it is advisable to rinse the mouth with water after using them.
  • Passion for sweets: The acid forms by mouth under the influence of sugar, which destroys the enamel, paints it a yellowish color.
  • Lack of proper daily oral hygiene. This could indicate a dentist during the inspection.
  • Age plays a role, after 60 years, few glazes remain yellow. It plays its role and the hereditary factor.
  • Tooth disease, gums. It causes a change in the color of the enamel that analgesics take, which many are dependent on to eliminate toothache.
  • Some drugs can change the color of the enamel. For example, iron wine prescribed for anemia.
  • By knowing the causes of yellow flowering, you can easily eliminate them.
  • How to remove yellow plague from teeth?
  • You can visit the nearby dental clinic where the yellow plaque specialist can identify diseases, which can be eliminated through their treatment. But in some cases, yellow is not proof of the disease. It includes not only the removal of the yellow plague but also the tartar, after which the enamel takes on a natural shade. This procedure should ideally be performed at least once a year.
  • The soft plague is easily cleaned with an ultrasound machine by dentist appointment.
  • It is possible in the dental clinic to do and professional whitening. There is a mass of bleaching techniques. In this case, dentists are not supporters of teeth whitening. The fact is that the procedure used chemicals that hurt tooth enamel. They dilute it, which sooner or later leads to dental problems. Bleaching at home is particularly undesirable.
  • To maintain the yellowness of teeth, it is necessary during the periods between professional cleaning procedures to be involved in prevention.
  • The rules to follow to avoid the appearance of a raid in the future are the following:
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of food and drink with dyes, including natural ones (carbonated drinks, coffee, strong green and black tea, juices).
  • Stop smoking.
  • After eating, you should rinse your mouth with clean water.
  • To use therapeutic toothpaste, constantly applying whitening toothpaste cannot, should be alternated as usual.
  • A toothbrush should be chosen with medium-hard bristles, a too-hard brush will damage the gums and enamels, and a soft one will not bring the desired result as per suggestion is given during dentist appointment.
