As you advance in age, it is normal to feel weaker keeping in mind you don’t have that much stamina as you used to when you were younger. Muscle loss is also common during aging due to an imbalance of the neurological signals that revolve around muscle growth. The anabolic response triggers the buildup of muscle, while a catabolic response causes the muscle to reduce in size. Since the catabolic response is stronger than the anabolic response, the muscles shrink, leading to muscle loss. This imbalance begins in your 50s, and by the time you hit 75, you will have significant muscle loss. Fortunately, there is something you can do to slow down this inevitable process. Keep reading this article to learn how to slow down the rate of muscle loss as you age.
Stay physically active and eat clean
An inactive lifestyle significantly accelerates muscle loss as you grow older. Fortunately, it’s never too late to start working out if you have been sedentary for most of your life and would like to increase your strength. Ensure you combine strength training and aerobic exercises to build muscle and improve your overall health. Exercise becomes obsolete if you fail to eat a healthy diet. Protein-rich foods such as eggs, peanuts, beans, fish, milk, and poultry are crucial to building muscle.
Inflammation is one of the significant causes of muscle breakdown. Well, Omega 3 contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent your muscles from breaking down, thus helping you retain muscle mass. An added advantage of consuming Omega-3 is the improved rate of protein synthesis in your muscles. Examples of foods rich in Omega-3 include flaxseeds, salmon, and walnuts. Ensure you incorporate these foods into your diet to kick muscle loss to the curb as you grow older.
Walk more often!
Just like exercising, walking more often is an excellent way to ease into physical activity. Walking improves blood circulation, enhances mobility, and improves your body’s response to insulin. Start by taking brisk 10-minute walks throughout the day and gradually increase your distance each new week.
Consider hormone optimization therapy
Hormones are chemical messengers that help your body perform various biological functions. However, as you age, the hormones you would like to remain high start to decline and vice versa. These hormonal fluctuations may bring about age-related symptoms that reduce the quality of life. An excellent way to combat muscle loss as you age would be to consider hormone optimization therapy, which slows down the aging process by restoring your hormones to more youthful and optimal levels. It is a well-fit option if your body is producing low or even abnormally high levels of hormones. Age management medicine delivered by a licensed medical professional will help you stay proactive in slowing down common symptoms of aging like muscle loss.
Ensure you are getting enough Vitamin D
One of the best sources of Vitamin D is exposure to the sun. However, studies reveal that people over 60 have trouble getting enough Vitamin D from basking in the sun. Therefore, it would help to consume a Vitamin D supplement after getting a green light from your physician.
Wrap up
We hope our tips will help you slow muscle loss as you age. Remember, investing in self-care as you age will go a long way in improving the quality of your life and keeping age-related symptoms at bay.