A Brief Overview About Diabetes Eye Screening
Diabetes is one of the serious diseases which have affected a major portion of the world’s population. The manifestations of this disease are prominent and can lead to serious maladies in the human body like a failure of liver and kidneys or permanent loss of vision. When diabetes starts impacting the blood vessels of the retina it damages it and this condition is known as diabetic retinopathy. This is when diabetic eye screeningplays a role in providing proper diabetic care. This is the most common reasons why even working age people looses their vision.
Need for diabetic eye screening.
Diabetic eye screeningis the process where the eyes are screened after the onset of diabetes in order to check for any changes in the normal vision and determine for the presence of any signs of diabetic retinopathy. Since this disorder does not show any noticeable symptoms, hence their early detection would lead to quick treatment that can prevent the permanent damage of the retina. Though laser treatment is a very effective way of treating vision problems, if the disorder is not detected at the earlier stages then this might get ineffective at the later part of manifestation. Hence, eye screening is a necessity for the long term patients of diabetes.
Who can go for diabetes eye screening?
Every individual aged 12 years or over and suffering from diabetes needs to go for regular diabetic eye screeningat least once in a year. The consultations and recommendations from a qualified doctor is a must. Even though one is strictly on a diabetic diet and takes their medicines regularly, still it is advised to undergo this screening in order to stay safe.
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Diabetic eye screening process
The process of diabetic eye screeningis enlisted down in steps:
- Prior to the process, the doctor enquires about the details of the patient, including his or her medical history. This is to ensure smooth screening process to be made.
- The entire process is first explained to the patient and the patient family. The overall procedure takes about the time of 30 minutes.
- Eye drops will be given to the patient in order to enlarge the pupil. When the pupils are sufficiently enlarged photos are taken at regular intervals. These photos would determine the status of current eyesight of the patient. Based on this data the doctor will analyze the condition of vision of the patient.
- The diabetic eye screening process can cause a temporary inability to have clear vision for few hours. This is due to the eye drops given previously.
Probable side effects of diabetic eye screening
Generally, the eye drops used in diabetic eye screening do not have any major side effects Due to the enlargement caused to the pupil due to the eye drops you may find it hard to see properly for few hours. This is a temporary phase and there is nothing to worry about. It is very rare that these eye drops cause serious pressure to the eye or any discomfort. In such you have such side effects you must immediately refer to the emergency medical department.
Based on the diabetic eye screeningtest results you will know whether you aresuffering from the disorder or not. It is rightly said that it is always better to go for preventive measures than to regret and cure after the disease is onset. Recommended steps and doctors guidance can help protect the eyes from getting impacted from diabetes effectively.
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