One of the most important organs is the heart. Its role is to supply blood to different body parts. If the heart stops to pump even for a second, the person is likely to experience attacks that will require treatment. No person can be expected to survive without the heart as the body is not likely to receive blood or receive much-needed nutrition to perform different physical activities. But the heart’s proper functioning is affected by several types of diseases. Such diseases can either develop with age or be congenital.

Whatever be the case, trouble may arise with blood circulation. The doctor may suggest undergoing advanced treatment like heart transplantation. It will be necessary to find out heart transplant cost in India and get the treatment only from the hospital that has specialist doctors to conduct it. 

Types of diseases affecting the heart

Various types of diseases might affect the heart. Few symptoms might be displayed by them as given below:

  • Heart attack: The person may experience heaviness accompanied by pain in the chest region, below the breastbone. Discomfort may radiate to jaw and the back as well as cause vomiting and nausea. There may be felt discomfort only initially, which can elevate to extreme pain. 
  • Coronary artery disease: The most common symptom faced is angina, which is chest pain. The person may face painful feelings, heaviness, and discomfort in the chest. The other symptoms may include sweating, dizziness, weakness, palpitations, and shortness of breath. 
  • Heart valve disease: Breathing difficulty might be experienced as the person is engaged in regular physical activities. Also is felt that additional weight on the chest along with dizziness and weakness. 
  • Arrhythmia: This is distinguished from irregular heartbeat, which can be either too slow or fast. Symptoms may be pounding in the chest, fluttering of heart, fatigue, fainting, dizziness, etc. 
  • Heart failure: There may come out white sputum while coughing. Also, it is experienced quick weight gain. The other symptoms may include swelling in the abdomen, legs, and ankles, weakness and dizziness. 

Similar to symptoms, different causes may be present for the diseases to take place like:

  • Heart attack: This occurs as blood flow gets blocked due to cholesterol build-up. It is also referred to as atherosclerosis. An individual or few plaques might rupture and simply spill out other substances or cholesterol within the bloodstream. 
  • Coronary artery disease: It is caused because of plaque build-up within the arteries and narrows down the coronary arteries, thereby leading to reduced blood flow. It occurs because of different reasons like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, etc. 
  • Heart valve disease: Two main causes are cited for valve diseases, namely stenosis, and regurgitation. Blood is known to leak backward in the latter type since the valves fail to close properly. Vales in the former type get narrow, thereby causing reduced blood flow. 
  • Arrhythmia: Heart attack that is being currently experienced may cause irregular heartbeats. A heart attack may have been experienced before that scars the heart tissue. The other reasons are sleep apnea, stress, and drugs. 
  • Heart failure: This due to the accumulation of various conditions that have weakened the heart already. A few conditions leading to heart failure are cited to be high blood pressure coronary artery disease, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, faulty heart valves, etc. 

More Read: How to Achieve Higher Cardiac Output?

Few tests to help diagnosis heart problem accurately

  • Echocardiogram: This is cited to be a non-invasive test where the chest region is examined with an ultrasound to find out the heart’s exact function and structure. 
  • Holter monitoring: This portable device is worn by the patient for recording continuous ECG for about 24-72 hours. Through this test is recorded heart irregularities that are otherwise not found through the other test forms. 
  • Electrocardiogram: It is also called ECG and help record electrical signals to identify the irregularities experienced in the heart’s structure and rhythm. 

There are conducted various types of procedures for providing proper treatment to the heart and the irregularities suffered from. A few popular procedures conducted are coronary angioplasty, CABG (coronary artery bypass surgery) and heart transplantation. If the doctor suggests the latter, then the patient needs to find out the details on heart transplant costs in India and make a well-informed decision.
