Gonstead Chiropractic Technique is a form of manual therapy intended to treat neuromusculoskeletal conditions by monitoring and adjusting joint movements or by exercising muscles. It seeks to restore typical joint and muscle movement through a high level of training and touch. This type of therapy aims to bring the patient out of pain. The art of Gonstead chiropractic technique involves monitoring joint movements, coordination, and reaction for any unhealthy or abnormal movements to treat non-inflammatory problems resulting from faulty neuromusculoskeletal function.
Clarence Gonstead developed the Gonstead technique in the late 19th century. Gonstead did not originally intend for this therapy to be used as a chiropractic technique, but rather as an alternative to surgery and medication. Gonstead was designed to help people suffering from back pain and exhibited symptoms such as numbness, tingling sensations, or weakness in extremities due to spinal stenosis, scoliosis, or a herniated disc.
What exercises does the Gonstead chiropractic technique use?
Gonstead chiropractic technique is a relatively new method of manual therapy. The key feature of the technique is the ever-changing character of its exercises, which are designed to release tension from a problem area through motion. The goal is to break down any areas of tension using direct force or exercise, allowing the muscles and bones to return to their normal function. The exercises are designed to work out any area of the neuromusculoskeletal system, from the head to the feet. According to the experts of the SnapCrack Chiropractic team, the purpose of these exercises is to relieve pain and improve muscle function while working around a person’s schedule.
How does the Gonstead chiropractic technique work?
Gonstead chiropractic technique uses adjustments of specific spinal joints based on their range of motion and flexibility in order to ensure that the joints are moving correctly. There is no specific area of the body where this therapy is focused, and it can be used on a wide variety of problems as long as it seeks to correct neuromusculoskeletal issues.
The act of the Gonstead chiropractic technique involves a combination of manual contact, spinal manipulations, and direct muscle movement. This technique focuses on muscle tone and coordination through training exercises, which are meant to loosen muscles and joints from tension or tightness. The Gonstead technique is also focused on improving muscle tone and coordination through the use of either passive stretches or exercises performed by the patient. The goal is to improve neuromusculoskeletal function.
5 Key components of the Gonstead Chiropractic System
1. Visualization:
This is taking a look at the patient’s posture, flexibility, and range of motion by looking at various parts of the body through different angles with different lights, as well as visualizing any abnormal movements that may be present. It helps guide the chiropractor to the proper chiseling of the vertebrae in order to eliminate muscular tension and muscle spasm.
2. Palpation:
Palpation is performed to analyze muscle tone, tenderness, and flexibility by feel.
3. X-Rays:
X-rays are used to analyze the bony structure and alignment of the vertebrae. It is also used to monitor any change in alignment over time.
4. Instrumentation:
Instrumentation is used to analyze any abnormal areas of muscle tone or tension in order to detect any asymmetrical contractions. It monitors the muscles for abnormal movement and helps guide correction for muscular problems or postural abnormalities.
5. Exercise:
Exercises will be performed in order to improve flexibility, muscle tone, and coordination while building strength and endurance. These exercises can be performed at home with a partner or at the office by using a Gonstead Chiropractic machine.
What are the benefits of the Gonstead chiropractic technique?
According to a study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Gonstead chiropractic techniques have been shown to be effective in reducing lower back pain and symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome or PMS.
Here are some of the benefits:
Reduce or relieve pain
It can reduce or relieve pain associated with back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other neuromusculoskeletal-related problems.
Improve multi-joint/muscle coordination
The exercises are designed to work on muscle coordination and body mechanics to improve strength and tone in the body. It can also help people who suffer from motion sickness in some cases.
Improve overall health
The technique improves overall health by normalizing muscle function, improving the range of motion for joints, and bringing the body back into balance through proper training exercises that encourage relaxation and health.
Improve posture and reduce stress
The exercises focus on posture and alignment in order to reduce stress on muscles and joints. It also helps to improve posture by restoring balance in the body through its neuromusculoskeletal exercises. It is essential to properly learn how to stand and sit as part of the Gonstead technique.
Reduce or release muscle tension
It helps reduce muscle tension by loosening tense muscles through proper exercise techniques that are designed for optimal results.
The Gonstead technique is generally used as a part of chiropractic care, where the goal is to improve symptoms and conditions relating to the neuromusculoskeletal system.
Gonstead chiropractic has been shown in clinical studies to be effective for treating low back pain, neck pain, tension headaches, and a variety of other neuromusculoskeletal issues.