If you have a child prone to exhibit a temper, before you lose your cool, take a moment to reassess the situation and consider some ways to constructively handle your child’s behaviour. Here are a few important considerations as you look for a positive way to deal with your child.

Create an Opportunity To Develop Emotional Intelligence

A child’s temper is often due to an inability to verbalise feelings. Rather than react negatively or ask your child to change his or her behaviour, ask instead what they are feeling and what seems to be making them feel that way. Get down to the child’s level and initiate a real and age-appropriate conversation with him or her. Help the child find the words for the feelings and thoughts they are experiencing.

Explore Socialisation Needs

Is your child being socialised too much, and maybe just needs more calm family time at home? Or, consider that perhaps your child is experiencing some negative socialisation away from home with caretakers or others who may not be the best fit for your child. If your child might benefit from more positive socialisation outside of the home, research childcare centres in your area and be sure to find one that is a good fit for your child and your homelife philosophy.

Consider Sensory Overload

Some children exhibit tempers and tantrums when they feel overly stimulated by their environment, including sounds, colours, noises, lights, and even people or pets. You can consult with your healthcare provider if you suspect your child may be prone to such sensory overload. Sensory issues that lead to behavioural problems can be hard to diagnose but are becoming increasingly understood by experts. Resources are available to help parents of such children understand and mitigate some of the behavioural issues that may arise with such sensitivities.

Make Quiet Time a Priority Every Day

We want to be there for our kids 24/7. Sometimes we even feel guilty if we leave our kids to play by themselves while we indulge in a bit of “me” time. However, allowing our children the time and space to play alone and have some quiet time apart is crucial to the healthy development of imagination, independence, and intelligence. The helicopter parent who feels obligated to create activities and experiences to fill their child’s life is doing the child much less of favour than the parent believes.

Take Time Outside In Nature

People of all ages benefit from the soothing effects that being outside in nature can provide. Even something as simple as a bit of exposure to beneficial sunlight can help lift a bad mood. If you can, give your child a little time outside every day. Go on a walk and notice the colours of the trees, the insects, and the plants you see along the way. Be with your child and take time to observe the world around you with wonder. Not only will this improve your child’s mood, it will probably also improve your own.

Look to Food for Help

Food can be an ally or an enemy. Carefully assess what your child is eating, perhaps even consulting with a doctor or nutritionist, and be sure he or she is receiving the needed nutrients. Lack of proper nutrition, and dehydration, notably, can cause irritability in children and adults alike. When your child has an angry reaction, get a glass of cool water and ask the child to drink it before you try to figure out what is wrong. It could even be that after drinking some water your child’s mood will be completely altered and the moodiness will be lifted as if by magic.
