Mental health is a very sensitive topic to talk or discuss. It takes lot of courage in sharing their personal experience, the turbulence they went throughout the phase. It does make one feel relieved, but at the same time, there is a risk involved in sharing since we, as human beings are judgmental on the first sight.

As much as it is necessary to discuss about it openly, there is also a need for awareness to bring among the people. There are so many people around the world that are still unaware what exactly mental illness is?  People are struggling through many inner problems like anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression and much more – but even they are unable to identify what exactly is happening.

The reason behind all such chaos is simple – unawareness. If you don’t accurately treat your mental illness, chances are some people end up committing suicide, poor performance at work and school, unstable relationships and much more can happen that is beyond our imagination.

Today, in this blog we are going to give you little motivation and love to push you forward in going for clinical trials and discuss openly about your mental health.

Additionally, we are also going to share with you why it is essential to becoming aware of our happiness and mental health.

To help you in identifying what the symptoms of mental illness are, we have mentioned them down below!

  • Feeling low or sad
  • Losing the ability to focus
  • Severe mood change from being extremely happy to sad
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Panic attacks
  • Suicidal thinking
  • Excessive anger

These symptoms are commonly related to mental illness. Besides, there are physical symptoms involved too like fatigue, weight loss/gain, loss of appetite and other physical ailments like a headache. If you notice any of the symptoms, then you need to consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Often people assume that mental illness is related to autism. However, that’s entirely wrong. This misconception is often leaded because of the unawareness among the people. Imagine if your kid is just diagnosed with bipolar disorder – would lock her up in a room? NO! You wouldn’t!

Your attitude and impact on how you handle your kid will largely depend upon the recovery. By raising awareness, you are helping in reducing the misconceptions.

Conditions differ from one to the other. Chances are the person sitting next to you might be dealing with depression. Therefore, it would be best if you never judged someone. Hence, always be gentle with your loved ones, stranger and everyone you communicate.

One way of bringing awareness is to become vulnerable and vocal about your feelings in front of the people you believe, trust and the ones who listen to you.

You can also start attending workshops, seminars and sitting with the psychiatrists for consultation. The only thing you need to remember is you are not alone in this. There are many people out there who are going through the mental illness. Try to interact with them and know what they are going through. You might end up helping each other.

Another vital thing to memorize is we have social media to share about our feelings and emotions. Everything has pros and cons so is the social media platforms. If you are going to discuss it on the platform people are going to be judgemental about it. These little comments can affect you profoundly. Hence, you need someone who helps you in understanding to avoid such negative comments.

The best part about social media platforms is the message spreads widely and becomes viral. It will encourage people to come off and convey their state of mind. You can share the information and thereby pass it on forward. Trust us, the power of social media is brilliant. However, you need to be alert about the negativity it is going to tag along.

We understand you do not feel like doing anything but give one try, one chance, let the feelings flow out, and let everything go – you will feel relieved.

Many non-profit organizations will help you recovery of mental illness. There are going to worse days, even worst days, but you need to believe in yourself that recovery is possible. Know that there are people around you who love you, values you and cherishes your presence in life.

There are many reasons one can go into clinical depression, anxiety disorders and other mental illness that would leave a huge impact.  World Mental Health Day is celebrated on 10th October in more than 150 countries.

You will get through everything with proper guidance and clinical trials. The day is not far when you will be all smiling and laughing with your family and friends. You will look back and realize how far you have come and all of these just made you stronger.
